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Thursday, May 10, 2007

Discover agloco

A Global CommunityCirca 1999... was on the internet with the first free Get Paid to Surf" program using a viewbar. In general, you downloaded a tool bar, surfed, and got paid. It was free and by introducing others, you would get paid on their surfing as well.It worked VERY well but the company got caught in the dotcom crash of 2000-2001 when advertising dollars dropped thru the floor.However, consider this:
Within 6 months they were one of the TOP 20 Most Visited Websites,
They grew to over 10 million members online,
They paid out over $10,000,000 dollars to members.
Alladvantage was incredibly VIRAL.
Forward to 2006...AGLOCO will be the same. You do not want to hesitate on this!Whenever you are online, either surfing, blogging, clicking on an ad, making a purchase, all the money generated by members' activities will be shared among its' members, 5 levels deep. Joining is FREE
The Members are the Owners
"Members will NEVER have to pay anything, nor will they have todisclose ANY personal information! "
Discover agloco Today


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